Deze pagina bevat krantenknipsels over de persoon Meerten Cornelis Huisman (1874-1944)
This page contains newspaper clippings about the person Meerten Cornelis Huisman (1874-1944)

Birth certificate of Meerten Cornelis Huisman, born on Saturday August the 1874 in Veenhuizen, Norg (Dr)

Today my beloved wife Charlotta Louisa Govert suddenly died at the age of 32 years. Weltevreden, Dutch East Indies, 10 June 1906
Many thanks to all for the many proofs of participation that I experienced during the painful loss of my wife Charlotta Louisa Govert, 32 years old, also on behalf of the children.
By judgment of the Court Martial in Magelang, Dutch East Indies is the lieutenant M.C. Huisman convicted of forgery of authentic writings, sentenced to three years' imprisonment in military prison. (1917)
The condemned soldier Meerten Cornelis Huisman has been granted general pardon for the sentence of 3 years imprisonment imposed on him, year 1919.
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