Descendants of Pieter Anthony Knogh

1 Pieter Anthony Knogh. Pieter married on Saturday 30 March 1799 in Moordrecht (Zh) Catharina Okhuijsen, aged 36, after their intention to marry had been registered on Thursday 28 March 1799 in Dordrecht (Zh). Catharina is a daughter of Hendrik Okhuijsen and Katrina (Catharina) Leeuwenhoek. She was baptised on Sunday 26 September 1762 in Haastrecht (Zh). Catharina died in Haastrecht (Zh).
Children of Pieter and Catharina:
1 Maria Elisabeth Knogh, born on Sunday 11 July 1802 in Dordrecht (Zh). Follow 2.
2 Petronella Jacoba Knogh. She was baptised on Monday 9 July 1804 in Dordrecht (Zh).
maria-elisabeth-knogh-_1803-1871_.png marcellus-bisdom-_1806-1877_.png
1 Maria-Elisabeth-Knogh-(1803-1871)
2 Marcellus-Bisdom-(1806-1877)
2 Maria Elisabeth Knogh (img. 1) was born on Sunday 11 July 1802 in Dordrecht (Zh), daughter of Pieter Anthony Knogh (see 1) and Catharina Okhuijsen. Maria died on Wednesday 7 June 1871 in Bad Ems, Duitsland, aged 68.
(1) At the age of 20, Maria married on Wednesday 14 May 1823 in Dordrecht (Zh) Abraham Ledeboer, aged 25. Abraham was born on Sunday 9 July 1797 in Haastrecht (Zh), son of Cornelis Ledeboer and Aegidia Johanna Okhuijsen. Abraham died on Sunday 3 September 1837 in Haastrecht (Zh), aged 40.
(2) At the age of 37, Maria married on Thursday 11 July 1839 in Haastrecht (Zh) Marcellus Bisdom van Vliet (img. 2), aged 32. Marcellus was born on Thursday 25 December 1806 in Haastrecht (Zh), son of Salomon Rijnders Bisdom van Vliet and Paulina Maria Hondorff Block. Marcellus died on Friday 30 November 1877 in Haastrecht (Zh), aged 70.
Diverse functies. - Various positions. (jobs) (Koopman, burgemeester Haastrecht, lid Provinciale Staten, lid van de firma Ledeboer & zonen, dijkgraaf Krimpenerwaard.)
Children of Maria and Abraham:
1 Cornelis Ledeboer, born in 1828 in Haastrecht (Zh). Cornelis died on Thursday 13 February 1851 in Haastrecht (Zh), aged 22 or 23. Cornelis remained unmarried.
2 Catharina Geertruida Ledeboer, born around 1830 in Haastrecht (Zh). Catharina died on Sunday 2 February 1851 in Haastrecht (Zh), aged about 21. Catharina remained unmarried.
3 Aegidia Johanna Elizabeth Ledeboer, born on Tuesday 8 October 1833 in Haastrecht (Zh). Follow 3.
Child of Maria and Marcellus:
4 Paulina Maria Bisdom van Vliet, born on Tuesday 30 June 1840 in Haastrecht (Zh). Follow 4.
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3 Zeepzieden
4 Theodorus Pieter Viruly (1822-1902)
5 Gebouw de Haven Oosthaven Gouda
6 Oosthaven
7 viruly zeep gouda
3 Aegidia Johanna Elizabeth Ledeboer (img. 3) was born on Tuesday 8 October 1833 in Haastrecht (Zh), daughter of Abraham Ledeboer and Maria Elisabeth Knogh (see 2). Aegidia died on Thursday 14 November 1907 in Rhedersteeg, Rheden (Gld), aged 74. At the age of 21, Aegidia married on Thursday 5 July 1855 in Haastrecht (Zh) Theodorus Pieter Viruly (img. 4 up to 7), aged 32. Theodorus was born on Thursday 29 August 1822 in Rotterdam (Zh), son of Michiel Viruly and Johanna Catharina Matthijssen. Theodorus died on Thursday 10 April 1902 in Leiden (Zh), aged 79.
Ondernemer en grootgrondbezitter. (Eigenaar Goudse zeepziederij "De Hamer"
1848-1877 Gemeenteraadslid van Gouda
1851-1877 Wethouder van Gouda
1862-1892 Eerste Kamerlid der Staten generaal.

Hij bezat landerijen in De Steeg in Gelderland.

Entrepreneur and landowner. Owner Gouda soap factory "The Hammer"
1848-1877 City councilor of Gouda
1851-1877 Alderman of Gouda
1862-1892 First Chamber Member of States General
He owned landings in De Steeg in Prov. of Gelderland.

Children of Aegidia and Theodorus:
1 Jan Theodorus Constant Viruly, born on Wednesday 11 April 1860 in Gouda (Zh). Follow 5.
2 Michiel Abraham Marcellus Viruly, born on Wednesday 28 August 1861 in De Steeg, Rheden (Gld). Michiel died on Sunday 3 January 1932 in De Steeg, Rheden (Gld), aged 70.
3 Aegidia Johanna Elisabeth Viruly, born on Monday 8 June 1863 in Gouda (Zh). Aegidia died on Monday 11 December 1944 in De Steeg, Rheden (Gld), aged 81.
4 Helena Cornelia Viruly, born on Tuesday 13 July 1869 in Gouda (Zh). Helena died on Saturday 27 November 1948 in Velp (Gld), aged 79.
paulina_maria_bisdom__1840-1923__en_aaltje_van_zijll.jpg johan_jacob_le_fevre_de_montigny__1840-1881_.jpg
8 Paulina Maria Bisdom (1840-1923) en Aaltje van Zijll
9 Johan Jacob le Fevre de Montigny (1840-1881)
4 Paulina Maria Bisdom van Vliet (img. 8) was born on Tuesday 30 June 1840 in Haastrecht (Zh), daughter of Marcellus Bisdom van Vliet and Maria Elisabeth Knogh (see 2). Paulina died on Friday 1 June 1923 in Haastrecht (Zh), aged 82. Paulina remained childless.
Vrouwe van Vliet en Willige Langerak.
At the age of 29, Paulina married on Friday 20 August 1869 in Haastrecht (Zh) Johan Jacob le Fevre de Montignij (img. 9), aged 28. Johan was born on Tuesday 8 September 1840 in Nieuwe-Tonge (Zh), son of Johan Jacob le Fevre de Montignij and Petronella Henriette Kleijn. Johan died on Wednesday 21 September 1881, aged 41.
Diverse functies. - Various positions. (jobs) (Luitenant-ter-zee 1e klasse, Burgemeester van Haastrecht en Vlist (1878-1881))
5 Jan Theodorus Constant Viruly was born on Wednesday 11 April 1860 in Gouda (Zh), son of Theodorus Pieter Viruly and Aegidia Johanna Elizabeth Ledeboer (see 3). Jan died on Saturday 4 August 1917 in Leiden (Zh), aged 57.
Diverse Politieke functies - Various Political functions. (1892-1902 Burgemeester van Haastrecht
1892-1902 Burgemeester van Vlist
1911-1917 Hoogheemraad van Rijnland

Various Political functions.
(1892-1902 Mayor of Haastrecht
1892-1902 Mayor of Vlist
1911-1917 Hoogheem Council of Rhineland)
At the age of 31, Jan married on Thursday 11 June 1891 in Zwolle (Ov) Emma Constance Roijer, aged 22. Emma was born on Monday 9 November 1868 in Zwolle (Ov), daughter of Jan Jacob Roijer and Hermance Cornelia Johanna Ernestine Barones Sloet tot Oldhuis.
Children of Jan and Emma:
1 Theodorus Pieter Viruly, born on Sunday 13 March 1892 in Brummen (Gld). Follow 6.
2 Hermance Cornelia Johanna Ernestine Viruly, born around 1894 in Haastrecht (Zh). Follow 7.
6 Theodorus Pieter Viruly was born on Sunday 13 March 1892 in Brummen (Gld), son of Jan Theodorus Constant Viruly (see 5) and Emma Constance Roijer. Theodorus died on Wednesday 6 April 1960 in Oosterbeek, Renkum (Gld), aged 68.
substituut griffier.
At the age of 29, Theodorus married on Tuesday 10 May 1921 in Arnhem (Gld) Wilhelmina van Tienhoven, aged 23. Wilhelmina was born on Thursday 28 October 1897 in Amsterdam (Nh), daughter of Henricus Wilhelmus van Tienhoven and Elsje Maria Muijsken. Wilhelmina died on Saturday 26 September 1987 in Oosterbeek, Renkum (Gld), aged 89.
7 Hermance Cornelia Johanna Ernestine Viruly was born around 1894 in Haastrecht (Zh), daughter of Jan Theodorus Constant Viruly (see 5) and Emma Constance Roijer. Hermance died on Wednesday 25 February 1948 in Almelo (Ov), aged about 54. At about the age of 26, Hermance married on Tuesday 21 September 1920 in Leiden (Zh) Dirk Hendrik Kortenbout van der Sluijs, aged 34. Dirk was born on Thursday 26 August 1886 in Almelo (Ov), son of Gerhsrd Kortenbout van der Sluijs and Johanna Jacoba van der Poel.
Assuradeur. - Insurance broker.

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