Since the resistance museum has not taken the effort to translate texts of people who appear on the web page, I myself have decided to copy the text of Mr. Ivo Peter Alexander van Voorst van Beest to translate into English.
One can draw the conclusion that it's only about money and always about "Money" and nothing else !!! The only thing they have translated is how they can get "Money" by making all kinds of offers through ticket sales, really very very disappointing and that is only mildly expressed. Below is the short story about Mr. Ivo Peter Alexander van Voorst van Beest. |
Ivo was arrested by order of the 'German Justice Department' on Tuesday, December 16, 1941 and imprisoned in the Oranjehotel in Scheveningen. The reasons for Ivo's arrest were, according to himself: his membership (secretary) of the Commission for the Expansion of the Thoughts of Freemasonry, his membership (district head) of the Dutch Union in The Hague and the fact that he was a great supporter of the Orange House - 'which last has weighed heaviest'. On March 12, 1942 he arrives in Camp Amersfoort and there (probably) got number 42. According to Mr. E.P. Wellestein (no. 46), a campmate, both prisoners were 'Schutzhäftling' (protective prisoner) which means on suspicion but without trial at the discretion of the SS. Camp Amersfoort was only 6 months old at the time, they were among the first prisoners. The camp was a 'Polizeiliches durchgangslager' (Police transit camp), the gathering place for political prisoners, gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses and other persecuted groups. Ivo was in Amersfoort until May '42, he was in the prisons of Scheveningen (NL), Kleve, Dusseldorf, Hanover and Halle, all in Germany. He and many other prisoners were transferred to Buchenwald (May 42 - October 42), Dachau (October 42 - March 44), Neckar Els (March 44 - April 44) and Natzweiler (France) (April 44 - September 44). Natzweiler is dismantled on 4 September 1944 due to the approaching Allies. Ivo is transported back to Dachau and then placed in the quarantine bearing Allach (8 September1944 - 12 October 1944). As soon as he recovered, he was allowed to go to the labor camp in Allach where he was liberated on 30 April 1945. On 30 May 1945 he returns to the Netherlands via Zevenaar. Ivo was involved in the opening of the war memorial in 1946 in the 'Oranjehotel', the former prison in Scheveningen and can still be seen on images of it. . Ivo died on Friday, July 4, 1952 in The Hague at the age of 57. Ivo remained unmarried. |
English translation and editing by the The Ancestor Company All rights reserved, thanks to various archive institutions for making certain images and facts worthwhile available. Copyright © 2024. |