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Lees eerst het "voorwoord' op de pagina dat maakt veel duidelijk.
Dank voor uw begrip.
Met vriendelijke groet, The Ancestor Company.

Dear visitor, if you have any questions about the content of this website, I ask you to do the following.
Copy the e-mail address below and "paste" it into your "
"To whom" box of your e-mail program.

Ask your question / comment or message, BUT!! do not send corrections or additions regarding family trees etc. your e-mail will be automatically deleted, so it will not be seen / read.
Read first the "preface" on the page that makes a lot clear.

Thank you for understanding.
With kind regards, The Ancestor Company.


Over families.
Genealogie algemeen.
Over de website.
Foto's en/of video's
Niet werkende links melden.

About families.
Genealogy   (Questions about families featured on the website.)
About the website.
Photos and/or video's.
Not working or "dead" links.   (please provide them, thanks in advanced)

my YouTube channel

Transport pagina