Descendants of Meier Eichenwald

1 Meier Eichenwald was born around 1782 in Horstmar, Germany. Meier died on Monday 6 March 1865 in Horstmar, Germany, aged about 83. Meier married Janna Salomon. Janna was born on Monday 3 October 1785. Janna died around 1862 in Horstmar, Germany, aged about 77.
Child of Meier and Janna:
1 Joseph Meyer Eichenwald, born on Monday 12 April 1824 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 2.
2 Joseph Meyer Eichenwald was born on Monday 12 April 1824 in Horstmar, Germany, son of Meier Eichenwald (see 1) and Janna Salomon. Joseph died on Wednesday 27 April 1910 in Horstmar, Germany, aged 86. At the age of 28, Joseph married Lisette Leffmann, aged 28, on Tuesday 23 November 1852 in Sendenhorst, Germany. Lisette was born in February 1824 in Sendenhorst, Germany, daughter of David Leffmann and Bilchen N.N.. Lisette died on Wednesday 4 March 1885 in Horstmar, Germany, aged 61.
Children of Joseph and Lisette:
1 Levi Eichenwald, born on Saturday 8 July 1854 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 3.
2 Isaac Eichenwald, born on Saturday 8 July 1854 in Horstmar, Germany. Isaac died in Horstmar, Germany.
One of twins.
3 Bertha Eichenwald, born around 1865 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 4.
levi_eichenwald__1854-1931_.jpg selma_cohn__1865-1945_.jpg
1 Levi Eichenwald (1854-1931)
2 Selma Cohn (1865-1945)
3 Levi Eichenwald (img. 1) was born on Saturday 8 July 1854 in Horstmar, Germany, son of Joseph Meyer Eichenwald (see 2) and Lisette Leffmann. Levi died on Saturday 25 June 1921 in Horstmar, Germany, aged 66.
One of twins.
There is a life description of the descendants of Levi Eichenwald and you find here in the German language:
At about the age of 35, Levi married Selma Cohn (img. 2), aged about 24, around 1889 in Horstmar, Germany. Selma was born on Thursday 26 October 1865 in Werne, Germany, daughter of Carl Cohn and Bertha Herz. Selma died on Tuesday 8 May 1945 in Theresienstadt, Czech Republic, aged 79.
War Act:
Deported July 21, 1942 to the Ghetto of Theresienstadt, Czech Republic, later deported to concentration camp Maly Trostinec in Russia.
The date of death is given on August 8, 1945 but it may well be that this date was much earlier around 1943.
Children of Levi and Selma:
1 Else Eichenwald, born on Monday 22 December 1890 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 5.
2 Bertha Eichenwald, born on Saturday 29 October 1892 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 6.
3 Jenny Eichenwald, born on Monday 23 April 1894 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 7.
4 Ernst Eichenwald, born on Saturday 9 May 1896 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 8.
5 Walter Eichenwald, born on Sunday 30 December 1900 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 9.
6 Otto Eichenwald, born on Saturday 20 January 1906 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 10.
4 Bertha Eichenwald was born around 1865 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Joseph Meyer Eichenwald (see 2) and Lisette Leffmann. At about the age of 24, Bertha married Salomon Cohn, aged 27, on Monday 30 September 1889 in Horstmar, Germany. Salomon was born on Thursday 10 July 1862 in Werne, Germany, son of Carl Cohn and Bertha Herz.
5 Else Eichenwald was born on Monday 22 December 1890 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Else died around January 1941 in Minsk, Belarus, aged about 50.
War Act:
Deported: November 10, 1941 to Ghetto in Minsk.
Since then missing.
(1) At about the age of 38, Else married Walter Cohen, aged about 28, around 1928. Walter was born on Tuesday 16 October 1900 in Duisburg, Germany. Walter died on Friday 2 September 1938 in Essen, Germany, aged 37.
(2) At the age of 49, Else married Arthur de Vries on Friday 13 December 1940. Arthur died around 1941 in Minsk, Belarus.
Child of Else and Walter:
1 Liesel Cohen, born on Sunday 6 January 1929. Liesel died around 1941 in Minsk, Belarus, aged about 12.
3 Bertha Löwenstein-Eichenwald en haar man Louis
6 Bertha Eichenwald (img. 3) was born on Saturday 29 October 1892 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Bertha died around 1949 in San Mateo, California, United States, aged about 57.
Bertha and her husband Louis emigrated to Shanghai, China in 1939, they managed to get a passage, they both survived the Holocaust.
Bertha married Louis Löwenstein. Louis was born on Sunday 14 June 1896 in Borghorst, Steinfurt, Germany.
7 Jenny Eichenwald was born on Monday 23 April 1894 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Jenny died on Monday 2 February 1942 in Riga, Letland, aged 47.
War Act:
Deported on January 27, 1942 to the Ghetto of Riga, Latvia, since then missing.
Jenny married Karl Löwenberg in Horstmar, Germany. Karl was born on Wednesday 11 June 1879 in Datteln, Germany. Karl died on Monday 2 February 1942 in Riga, Letland, aged 62.
Children of Jenny and Karl:
1 Ruth Löwenberg, born on Sunday 10 December 1922 in Datteln, Germany. Ruth died on Monday 2 February 1942 in Riga, Letland, aged 19.
2 Hanna Löwenberg, born on Saturday 31 May 1924 in Datteln, Germany. Hanna died on Monday 2 February 1942 in Riga, Letland, aged 17.
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4 Ernst Eichenwald (1896-1992)
5 Woonhuis Grete en Ernst Eichenwald-1938
6 Ernst Eichenwald (1896-1992) stolpersteine Horstmar
7 Grete Hertz (1904-1992)
8 Grete (82 j.) & Ernst Eichenwald (90 j.) In 1986
8 Ernst Eichenwald (img. 4 up to 6) was born on Saturday 9 May 1896 in Horstmar, Germany, son of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Ernst died on Friday 25 September 1992 in Florida, United States, aged 96.
Ernst Eichenwald (44) emigrated with wife Grete Herz (36) and two children Edith (12) and Helga (9) from Liverpool, United Kingdom with the Steamship Samaria on Saturday July 29, 1940
to the United States of America.
Arrival New York on Monday July 8, 1940, they traveled Third Class or "Steerage".
Their destination was S.van Leeman address: 140 E 46th St, New York, United States
Two years after the liberation of the Netherlands, he also had Thea Eichenwald-Heumann, her sister Martha Bernstein-Heumann and the son of Thea, Gert (Gary) Eichenwald and their cousin Gabrielle (Gaby) Blumenfeld after their emigration to the United States in 1947, assisted with housing and work, read also story of Gary Eichenwald.
At the age of 30, Ernst married Grete Hertz (img. 7 and 8), aged 22, on Monday 11 October 1926 in Horstmar, Germany. Grete was born on Friday 15 April 1904 in Beckum, Germany, daughter of Sally Hertz and Jeanette Windmüller. Grete died on Friday 18 September 1992 in Florida, United States, aged 88.
Children of Ernst and Grete:
1 Edith Eichenwald, born on Wednesday 27 July 1927 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 11.
2 Helga Eichenwald, born on Thursday 29 January 1931 in Horstmar, Germany. Follow 12.
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9 Walter Eichenwald & Therese Heumann (1928)
10 Walter Eichenwald (1900-1943)
11 Walter Eichenwald (1900-1943) stolpersteine Horstmar
12 S.S.Veendam
13 Therese Heumann (1900-1994)
9 Walter Eichenwald (img. 9 up to 11) was born on Sunday 30 December 1900 in Horstmar, Germany, son of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Walter died on Friday 2 July 1943 in Sobibór, Polen, aged 42.
Hauptstraße 46, Benrath, Düsseldorf, Germany
War Act:
The police commissioner of Eindhoven requested that Walter Eichenwald, residing in Eindhoven, be located, detained and brought to trial.
He was suspected of having changed his place of residence without obtaining the required authorization.
This description indicated Jews who had gone into hiding.
General police magazine, nr 36, 10 September 1942, 1028, notice 1904.
For more information about the further course of this family I refer you to click on the name of Walter his son "Gary" just a little below on this page
At the age of 27, Walter married Therese (Thea) Heumann (img. 12 and 13), aged 27, in March 1928 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Thea was born on Monday 30 July 1900 in Düsseldorf, Germany, daughter of Jonas (Julius) Heumann and Selma Friedsam. Thea died on Wednesday 28 September 1994 in United States, aged 94.
Thea Eichenwald-Heumann left with her son Gert Eichenwald and sister Martha Bernstein-Heumann and their niece Gabrielle Blumenfeld (daughter of Paul Blumenfeld and Helene Blumenfeld-Heumann, both deceased during the war years 40-45) from Rotterdam on Friday 2 May 1947 with the steamship Veendam to New York, arrival in New York on Tuesday May 13, 1947, they traveled Tourist class (formerly Third class).
It is suspected that they have all traveled through Ellis Island to reach their destination, here approximately:
Child of Walter and Thea:
1 Gert (Gary) Eichenwald, born on Monday 2 June 1930 in Benrath, Düsseldorf, Germany. Follow 13.
otto_eichenwald__1906-1942_.jpg ruth_eichenwald-albersheim__1915-1943_.jpg
14 Otto Eichenwald (1906-1942)
15 Ruth Eichenwald-Albersheim (1915-1943)
10 Otto Eichenwald (img. 14) was born on Saturday 20 January 1906 in Horstmar, Germany, son of Levi Eichenwald (see 3) and Selma Cohn. Otto died around January 1942 in Salaspils, Letland, aged about 36.
Here more info about the Eichenwald-Albersheim family: (English version)
War Act:
At the age of 28, Otto married Ruth Albersheim (img. 15), aged 19, on Sunday 6 January 1935 in Billerbeck, Coesfeld, Germany. Ruth was born on Wednesday 25 August 1915 in Billerbeck, Coesfeld, Germany, daughter of Joseph Albersheim and Selma Isaacson. Ruth died on Friday 5 November 1943 in Auschwitz, Poland, aged 28.
War Act:
According to witness Margarete (Grete) Eichenwald-Seligman (not related to the Eichenwald family here mentioned) born on Thursday, November 27, 1902 in Legden, Germany (see here the English version: , Ruth Eichenwald-Albersheim is together with her two children Rolf-Dieter and Eva and her mother Selma on November 2, 1943 from the Ghetto in Riga, Latvia , taken to Auschwitz, Poland, arrival was on November 5, 1943 and gassed there immediately after arrival.
So they were not murdered in the Ghetto in Riga, Latvia, as a newspaper article would have us believe, they did not have to go through the "Rumbula massacre".
They were transported to Auschwitz, Poland with 2500 other Jewish people, few of whom have survived this camp.
The witness Margarete (Grete) Eichenwald-Seligman survived the camp in Riga, Latvia for two years with her two sons, both of whom were gassed in Auschwitz, Poland.
She not only survived the Ghetto in Riga, Latvia, but also the Stutthof concentration camp (which was 35 kilometers from Danzig), Danzig became Polish territory after 1945 and the city has since been called Gdansk. Margarete (Grete) Eichenwald-Seligman has emigrated to Pitrufquén, Chile.
There is also an original German version of this story about Ruth Eichenwals-Albersheim and you can find it here:

Children of Otto and Ruth:
16 Rolf-Dieter (1936-1943) en Eva Eichenwald (1937-1943)
1 Rolf-Dieter Eichenwald (img. 16), born on Thursday 27 August 1936 in Billerbeck, Coesfeld, Germany. Rolf-Dieter died on Friday 5 November 1943 in Auschwitz, Poland, aged 7.
Billerbeck’s middle school is renamed the Geschwister-Eichenwald-Realschule in honor of Rolf-Dieter and Eva Eichenwald.
2 Eva Eichenwald, born on Wednesday 15 December 1937 in Billerbeck, Coesfeld, Germany. Eva died on Friday 5 November 1943 in Auschwitz, Poland, aged 5.
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17 Edith Eichenwald (1927-1974)
18 Edith Eichenwald (1927-1974) - Stolperstein_Horstmar
11 Edith Eichenwald (img. 17 and 18) was born on Wednesday 27 July 1927 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Ernst Eichenwald (see 8) and Grete Hertz. Edith died on Tuesday 22 October 1974 in United States, aged 47. Edith married N.N. Weiss.
Children of Edith and N.N.:
1 Steven Robert Weiss, born on Tuesday 24 April 1951 in Yonkers, New York, United States.
2 Bradley Greg Weiss, born on Friday 21 April 1961 in Yonkers, New York, United States.
helga_eichenwald__1931-2005_.jpg helga_eichenwald__1931-2005__stolpersteine_horstmar.jpg
19 Helga Eichenwald (1931-2005)
20 Helga Eichenwald (1931-2005) stolpersteine Horstmar
12 Helga Eichenwald (img. 19 and 20) was born on Thursday 29 January 1931 in Horstmar, Germany, daughter of Ernst Eichenwald (see 8) and Grete Hertz. Helga died around 2005 in New York City, United States, aged about 74. At the age of 23, Helga married Daniel Earl Klion, aged 28, on Sunday 19 September 1954 in New York City, United States. Daniel was born on Monday 30 November 1925 in Flushing, Queens, New York, United States, son of Harry Klion and Jeanette Hilda.
professional engineer.
Children of Helga and Daniel:
1 Pamela Dian Klion, born on Saturday 7 April 1956 in Yonkers, New York, United States.
2 Roger Jay Klion, born on Wednesday 13 November 1957 in Yonkers, New York, United States.
3 Douglas Allen Klion, born on Thursday 12 October 1961 in Spring Valley, New York, United States.
4 Andrea Beth Klion, born on Thursday 20 August 1964 in Suffern, New York, United States. Follow 14.
walter-thea-and-gert-eichenwald-.jpg marcia_leah_drazner__1934-1990_.jpg grave-of-marcia-leah-eichenwald-drazner.png
21 Walter-Thea-and-Gert-Eichenwald-
22 Marcia Leah Drazner (1934-1990)
23 Grave-of-Marcia-Leah-Eichenwald-Drazner
13 Gert (Gary) Eichenwald (img. 21) was born on Monday 2 June 1930 in Benrath, Düsseldorf, Germany, son of Walter Eichenwald (see 9) and Therese (Thea) Heumann.
Hauptstraße 46, Benrath, Düsseldorf, Germany, Germany
Boynton Beach, Florida, United States
(1) At the age of 25, Gary married Marcia Leah Drazner (img. 22 and 23), aged 21, on Saturday 6 August 1955 in New York City, United States. Marcia was born on Saturday 3 February 1934 in Bronx, New York, United States, daughter of Charles Drazner and Jeanette Glazeroff. Marcia died on Sunday 27 May 1990 in Santa Monica, Californië, United States, aged 56.
(2) At about the age of 61, Gary married Harriet around 1991.
Children of Gary and Marcia:
1 Fern Eichenwald.
2 Wesley (Wes) Eichenwald, born on Saturday 11 July 1959. Follow 15.
14 Andrea Beth Klion was born on Thursday 20 August 1964 in Suffern, New York, United States, daughter of Daniel Earl Klion and Helga Eichenwald (see 12). At the age of 22, Andrea married Mark Robert Leehan, aged 25, on Saturday 8 November 1986. Mark was born on Friday 8 September 1961 in New Britain, Connecticut, United States.
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24 Wes Eichenwald
25 Donna Ann Young (1959-2016)
15 Wesley (Wes) Eichenwald (img. 24) was born on Saturday 11 July 1959, son of Gert (Gary) Eichenwald (see 13) and Marcia Leah Drazner. At about the age of 44, Wes married Donna Ann Young (img. 25), aged about 44, around 2003. Donna was born on Saturday 11 July 1959 in Vailsburg, Newark, New Jersey, United States, daughter of Kenneth Young and Lorraine Stecher. Donna died on Tuesday 19 January 2016 in San Antonio, Texas, United States, aged 56.
Obituaries results for Donna Young.
Children of Wes and Donna:
1 Luka Eichenwald.
2 Leo Eichenwald.

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